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At Catana, we’re passionate about building new innovative products that will disrupt the industry. Our seed phrase keeper is the most advanced tool for storage of the seed phrase of your BIP-39 Crypto Wallet. With our patented encryption solution even if the plates fall in the wrong hands your funds are still safe!

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How does Catana hodl safe work
The Catana Card is the tool used for converting the words to numbers based on the bip39 wordlist

Convert the seed phrase words into numbers based on the BIP-39 word list

This word list consists of 2048 words, each assigned a unique index number ranging from 1 to 2048. In fact it is like an alphabet of seed phrases and is widely spread on Github or other trusted sources and there is no risk if loose the one downloaded from our servers.

Convert each word into its corresponding index number from the BIP-39 list.


Tools you need:

  • CATANA CARD - included

  • BIP-39 Word List* - downloadable by scanning QR code.

we present our patented encryption method easy to apply

Apply our Encryption method to keep your funds secure from uwanted eyes

Our innovative encryption technique, (patent pending), operates on a key principle:

The switch of 2 digits between them, following a clear set of rules. This will generate a different sequence of numbers,

effectively misguiding thieves to an incorrect seed phrase.


Tools you need (included):


  • Stickers set with big numbers


By simply scanning the provided QR code, you'll gain access to a comprehensive, step-by-step user manual.

stamp the encrypted numbers for ethernity on the steel plate and the ecryption key on the bitcoin coin included in the pack

Take a plate and start stamping the encrypted numbers for eternity

Stamping might take about 30 minutes. Don't rush and take a break every 4-5 words.

Remember, the goal isn't to achieve perfect stamping artistry, but creating a durable record, meant only for your eyes. It's okay if the stamped numbers aren't flawless, as long as you can read them.Stamping on steel may be a bit tricky, similar to handwriting, but it's worth it for the everlasting result. This lasting durability is what truly matters.


Tools you need:

  • stainless steel plate - included

  • The Bitcoin coin - included

  • 0 - 9 steel stamping set - included

  • A heavy hammer - not included

  • A steel bench bloc - optional, not included

Why choosing Catana Hodl Safe to secure your crypto wallet
CATANA metal plate is designed to withstand fire, water, and corrosion, providing unparalleled durability

Robust Material

Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, our CATANA metal plate is designed to withstand fire, water, and corrosion, providing unparalleled durability and long-lasting protection for your seed phrase.

Our plates are meticulously crafted with a thickness of 0.8 inches. It ensures that the plates won't bend, maintaining their integrity over time, and prevents any unwanted backside printing.

Choose to switch one or two  pairs of digits.

Customizable Encryption

Customize your encryption

journey with CATANA!

Choose to switch one or two

pairs of digits.


Save your encryption key on the included special coin or commit the swapped digits to memory for ultimate security.


Your encryption, your rules!

Enhaced security of Crypto wallet seed phrase. Suitable for Ledger Nano X, Ledger Nano S, Trezor

Enhanced Security

Our unique digit-switching encryption method ensures that even if someone finds your CATANA metal plate, they won't be able to decipher your seed phrase without knowing the specific encryption pattern.

Lots of products can keep your seed phrase safe from water, fire, and rust, but only CATANA-Hodl Safe keeps them safe from thieves, too! Even if someone else gets it, they can't use it.

Easy restore your Ledger Nano X, S Trezor or other BIP-39 Wallet

Easy Recovery

With the CATANA hodl safe system, you can easily recover your wallet by reversing the encryption process and referencing the BIP-39 word list to convert the numbers back into their original words.


With CATANA, your funds are always safe.


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